New York City Personal Injury Lawyers
About one child a month is killed by strangulation from Roman blinds and roll-up shades. Since December 2009, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recalled tens of millions of Roman blinds and roll-up shades due to product defects that can lead to strangulation and death in children. Roman blinds and roll-up shades have been associated with so many injuries and deaths that the CPSC, Health Canada (HC), and the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) collaborated to urge increased and broad global safety standards on these products from the industry.
The CPSC alone knows of 120 deaths and 113 accidents connected to Roman blinds and roll-up shades since 1999. HC is aware of 28 deaths due to strangulation and 23 additional near-strangulation accidents since 1986. In Europe, seven member states report that a total of 90 children were injured so badly that emergency room visits were required in 2002, with six children dying since 2008. Despite these statics, the window covering industry has refused to take meaningful steps to eliminate the risks these products pose to children.
Trust in Sullivan & Brill, LLP
When you work with our New York City personal injury attorneys at Sullivan & Brill, LLP, you can be confident that we diligently work to help you obtain justice. We understand that dealing with pain or loss of a loved one can be extremely difficult, and that a legal battle is the last thing on your mind. While we can't turn back to time to prevent the accident, we can work to right the wrongs done.
Clients continue to retain our services because:
- We are focused on our clients' well-beings.
- We believe that justice must be served after negligent actions.
- We exhaust our resources to investigate, strategize, and represent our clients' cases from beginning to end.
- We tirelessly fight to obtain just compensation, unafraid of trial.
Don't allow big corporations to get away with manufacturing a defective product. Allow Sullivan & Brill, LLP to represent you in negotiations and trial, seeking to obtain justice and compensation for your losses, medical expenses, and pain and suffering.